Buying a Good Horse Rug

Take the proper measurements of your horse before purchasing a new rug. Rugs are typically measured in three-inch increments, which refers to the space between the front of the horse’s chest and the hind end. Certain horses have measurements that are in between sizes, so it is best to go for the larger size. Rugs too large could slip and hinder the horse’s movements or result in injury. In contrast, smaller carpets can cause sores or discomfort.

Rug requirements are also based on the horse’s weight. Horses that are overweight may not require ruging all the time, or perhaps an extremely light rug could suffice. This is because during winter, horses utilize up to 80 percent of their food energy in keeping warm. Rugs that are lighter will use more calories, which is ideal for horses who are carrying additional weight. However those horses that are slightly thin are likely to require more rugging. Particularly old and young horses will likely be similar.

Are you horse’s a rug breaker? There’s always a sly horse who is always pushing the boundaries. If your horse is known to tear its rug, it’s best to research thoroughly to find the perfect rug be sure to fit the way your horse is living every day. In the winter months, and the beginning of Spring, horses develop a more robust coat that rubs with force on the carpet. This is the time of the year that they require the rug the most.

Size is key

Is your horse in need of an upgrade in his horse’s rug but you’re not sure which size will work best? When purchasing a rug for your horse it is vital that it is the correct size to your animal. Rugs that are too small or tight can lead to areas of chafing. Rugs that are too large will be prone to sagging and ultimately damage the rug and cause it to become uncomfortable for horses. The most effective method to determine what size rug you are looking for is determine the lengths of your horse’s top and the lower lengths. The length of the upper part of the rug can be measured from the toes and withers (size A).

You must also consider in full

It is crucial that you measure the bottom of the tail, not above it. When an area rug is hung over the tail’s base the rug is too large and often pulls back. The shorter length can be measured by measuring from mid-chest up to the buttocks the horses (size B). We will always provide the dimensions of horse rugs in the following order (upper length/lower length). The number after that is the lower one that is the most popular across the Netherlands. The possibility is that the English size, or the upper length is listed in a rug, and this measurement differs from shorter lengths that you might use to.

There are a variety of brands there

Rugs of different brands that are the same size could have different dimensions. Certain brands use different sizes that are smaller than that of Dutch size. On our website , you’ll always find Dutch dimensions of the rug. Bucas has different sizes than other brands. The lower and the upper lengths are different in ratio, and therefore the fit is different. Bucas Rugs are generally suitable for narrow or long horses. For larger horses, Bucas offers”Big Neck” rugs “Big Neck” rugs which are perfect for Friesians or other larger breeds of horses.


In the case of horse rug There are two main kinds: canvas and synthetic. Synthetic rugs are generally composed of nylon or polyester and have numerous advantages. They’re generally light and easy to clean. They also typically come in a range of styles and colours. Synthetic rugs are also versatile, making them an extremely popular option for many horse owners.

Certain synthetic rugs have attachments for additional liners making it possible to alter the heat levels throughout the seasons, making them ideal spring winter, autumn or summer rug. Some synthetic options also come with neck covers or an adjustable neck rug that can be removed for full coverage.


Find rugs that have necks that can be detached. This will allow you can change the level of protection and warmth in accordance with your horse’s requirements. The more durable your rug is, the greater the denier. If your horse is a rug breaker or has a tendency to climb off his rug you’ll probably want to buy a rug that is a bit more expensive in the manner it’s constructed and the ability to work for you as well. It is always a good idea to shop through to check out what is to be found.

With winter fast approaching it’s the time to begin contemplating the winter coat of your horse and deciding if you’re required to purchase new rug. Since rug designs have evolved so much in recent decades, they are multi-purpose, with improved performance for both the stable and field wear. They can also be modified to weather conditions by adding additional liners underneath the material. If you’re in any doubt about picking the perfect rug for winter, you should take a look at VioVet’s best tips!

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